Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Follow this Link to view my comments on "Using Little Bird Tales To Create Multimedia Stories"

Follow this Link to view my comments on "PhotoPeach: Bring Your Students’ Writing to Life!"


Title: The New Era of creating your own Stories with StoryJumper

Brief Overview: Students and Teachers and anyone (Participants) ready to learn how to create, make and publish their own stories to help advance their skills with StoryJumper.

Target Audience Students, Parents and Teachers

Internet access
StoryJumper website 
Step by step instructions on how to join StoryJumper

All students will learn how to create and publish their own stories:
Follow directions to open StoryJumper account
Create a username and password
Start creating and publishing stories
Share projects with classmates (peers) and parents


To get started students, parents and teachers will follow a short step-by-step list asking them to:

Create a StoryJumper account with picture

Finally, allow time and the opportunity for collective action to take place.

Participants will be encouraged to share information about a common interest by asking them to add three pictures with comments to there page and comment on five other posts. As well as tweet three photos so their friends can re-tweet them.

Emerging Technology
Web 2.0 Tools:
StoryJumper- StoryJumper is a website where students, parents, teachers & etc. can publish their own children’s book.

Social Participation/Social Learning

Social learning and participation will occur by encouraging the common interest students and their peers will be able to come create their own book and share their creation with the world. Also the students, parents, and teachers etc. can also have the book printed so they can add it to their own book collection and read it to their family and friends.

Making Connections
Students will learn how to use storyjumper better by following the rules/guidelines to help assist in the creation of their storybook. Also students will be able to help each other out and even collaborate with each other, plus this will give them more experience working with teams.


 Participants will create an account on storyjumper; add two or three stories with their peers, parents and teachers. Then be able to publish their best one or all of them, so once they get older they can share their stories with their children, grandparents and those that will love to see the wonderful stories they created on storyjumper.


Participants will complete a survey on Google docs to assess if the assignment goal was met. Also to see how much they learned about their experience using StoryJumper.

Assessment Rubric

Students are able to create a story and illustrate pictures
Storyline was great and the story made since
Minor errors to the storyline but overall few errors
Storyline was all over the place but effort was made to make the story kind of flow
No effort was put into the storyline, Storyline was all over the place and story was badly put together
Students are able to work together and put the story together
Students are engaged and working along
Students are paying attention
Students are trying to focus but are having a little trouble staying engaged
Student is not engaged and is unable to follow along
Students will show
All work is perfectly inserted right and not mistakes/errors
Minor mistakes but work is still readable
Student tried to work and make the project more of his own
No real effort was put into the work


All of the students then will have the option to share the book they created with another class that’s at their grade level and those students will be able to read the books and share about the books in a Google doc survey. The survey will consist of a few questions on how they feel there peers overall creation (book) turned out.

My Reflection
As a teacher I felt this was a perfect web 2.0 tool for my special education class, they all where engaged in the activity and they all seemed very excited to learn about storyjumper. It was a very happy moment for me as a teacher begin that I do have many disabilities in my current room but beginning that I was able to find a web 2.0 tools that seemed to work for everyone, I truly had a ball…maybe even more then my kids did. Storyjumper not only engaged my class as a whole but it was able to built self-esteem for my children because many of them do have challenging days where they are unable to work to their current ability. So overall StoryJumper is a wonderful web 2.0 tool that not only lets you build and create your own story you can also import your own photos or use they ones from the gallery to help enhance your storybook. 


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

PE5_Facebook and Twitter Part 2

Hello, yeah it's me again I hope you all aren't too bored with me but I must say I told my grandmother to open her Facebook and Twitter account along with a few other friends and family and I must say they did me wrong. They just opened there accounts some have been network and chatting with friends but the rest of them only looked thru the information I provided to them.

So my great grandmother who is 84 years-old begged me to set her account up for her so I'll be showing you her account that I set up for her....i don't how this will benefit her since I am the one doing it but I will take the thru a short tour of her pages and twitter.

So I did a video chat with my great grandma as I helped her set up her page but I have no clue how to upload the footage so I had to go back and take screen shots of her page...

First you must create an account...

 Once your account is set up now you select to find friends using your email address or you can skip this option...

Now you can add in some of you personal information...

 And now its time to upload your photo...

Now your Facebook page is up and running and now you can start adding friends and networking...

Now for my friend Samson's Twitter account I think he is finally getting the hang of it...

F.Y.I he has know clue how to work his twitter so after 2hours on the phone with hime i must say he has came a long way :-)

 his followers....since its a new page he is still trying to get his network of friends, co-workers etc...

So i didn't record my video like I thought I did so I believe i'll have to re-record my Facebook and twitter tutorial so I can post it to my blog so you all can see the craziness i had to deal with smh but i did have fun... hope you all enjoy what I have so far

PE4_ Facebook and Twitter

Hello world here is a brief overview of my journey thru Facebook and Twitter. I had to showing a few of my older family members and co-workers how to use Facebook and Twitter I must say this is the most stressful thing I every done, lol no seriously. My family decided that since all of the younger generation is on Facebook and Twitter now is the time for the older generation to get involved in the networking. Which is a great idea but when it comes to technology they are clueless so I found a few videos I feel will help them to try to understand how to use Facebook and Twitter. So far its a mess but here I provided a brief overview and my Social Media training I had them watch...


Facebook was started by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, with help from Andrew McCollum and Eduardo Saverin. Though initially "The Facebook" was offered only to Harvard students it is now available to anyone with an email address. Since its creation, Facebook has become the most visited website by college students, and the second most visited website in the world. 

Facebook is one of the most well known social networking sites on the web. it has millions of users across the globe. You can have a great time socializing through this site. The site helps you to make and connect with friends, acquaintances and activity partners. You can have a great time connecting with your friends through this site. In order to use Facebook you need to create an account with the site and put the information necessary. Then you will get the access to the site. The first page you will see after logging in is the homepage of your Facebook account. The page holds some important details and links about your favorite things. To get the most out of your Facebook account, you need to make the maximum use of the homepage. There are a few steps to maximize the use of your Facebook homepage. 

Most of my concept came from the help of a fellow full sail student for my idea and thanks to my mentor for all the help with my post. Thanks (RILS_ Facebook template sample Tejedor, Vivian, enhanced by Devloun Jeter 12/7/11)
People all over are twittering. Most heavy duty techies and electronic device users know this, but still, new to many people, is this quickly rising phenomenon called “twittering”, the verb that describes the use of the application called Twitter.

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that has changed the way many people communicate. Twitter allows users to send “updates” (or “tweets”: text-based posts, up to 140 characters long) to Twitter website via short message service (e.g. on a cell phone), instant messaging, from their computer at home or work, or through a third-party application.
Some see this as a way to simply report their ’status’ to friends, some use it to post interesting links, some use it as a savvy marketing tool and still there are countless ways to utilize this real time quick messaging application.
It’s very easy to do. You just sign up (free registration), pick a user name (your site or profile web page will be ‘ name here’), and you can ‘design’ your Twitter home page by uploading an image or choosing web colors.

So take a look at this video I found on YouTube Twitter for beginners:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

BP6_Paula Sanchez's Blog

Hello everyone here is another blog I would like you all to look at, my classmate Paula shared a web 2.0 on hove to create a timeline. It's called Dipidy, it helps you build your own timeline and give you different ways, backgrounds etc. to help you while you build your own timeline.

Follow this Link to my comment on Paula's Blog

BP5_ Anthony Hunt's Blog

Hey everyone check out the link below to Anthony Hunts blog, he shared a very unique web tool called Ututti.

Follow this Link to my comments on Anthony's blog.


Well I came across StoryJumper when I was searching for a web 2.0 tool to use. I chose StoryJumper because I think this is a very unique and cool tool for children of all ages to use to create there own story. 

Even though I work with special education children I believe StoryJumper will it in great with my children, because they will be able to create there own story book. 

Also you can edit your story book once you create it...

Also you can use StoryJumper's art gallery to help you find artwork to include in your story book. You and you children, students can show the world that you're an author. Share stories online for free and order beautiful hardback books starting at only $24.95. 

Here is a Quick tutorial of StoryJumper that I found this on youtube so I wanted to share:

Friday, December 2, 2011


Welcome back I hope you all are ready to learn more with me as I show you how to use the effects, audio and the final creation of my movie.

Now I am working with different Effects, I must say I am excited about this apart because in many of my past videos I was trying to use these tool but I was very successful at doing it. So now I can see my mistakes and use them in correcting a video I previously done to make it look better.

First click on the text box located in the middle right middle section 

Next I selected which text box screen I wanted to add at the beginning of the video. Then I dragged the clip to the beginning of the video. 

Finally the text box popped up and I inserted the title of my video. If you look closely you will be able to see how the background of the video is slightly faded out so the text can appear. 

Here is my first professional published video using iMovie:

Thank you for viewing my blog be sure to come back soon...


Hello everyone welcome back to my iMovie ’11 Blog. Ok so I have been playing around with the different editing tools, I learned how to mark parts of my video as favorites and reject the footage I don’t like:

The GREEN highlighted video is my favorite part of the video, as you look at the picture down below you can see that most of the parts are marked in green. Some of the footage you see is the footage I use when I made my first few videos in iMovie.

The RED highlighted video is the video footage I rejected, and if you look closely you can see the top part of the video is highlighted in RED.

The ORANGE highlighted video that you see down below is all of the clips (video, footage etc.) in the iMovie software.

Ok everyone stay tuned I have just one more post on my iMovie experience. I'll be showing you how I made my videos look a little bit more professional by incorporating all the tools iMovie has to offer.


Well I finally got connected to so I can start my iMovie11 tutorial, so far it seems pretty easy but we shall see.  

First I had to check for any software updates before I started:

So far I learned how to connect the camera/video camera to the computer so I can upload pictures and videos to iMovie. It gives you step-by-step instructions on how to use the software to upload the pictures and videos.  I went thru section 1- 3 and learned how to import, capture live action and import from a digital still camera.

So far I learned how to connect the camera/video camera to the computer so I can upload pictures and videos to iMovie. It gives you step-by-step instructions on how to use the software to upload the pictures and videos.  I went thru section 1- 3 and learned how to import, capture live action and import from a digital still camera.

Well so far I am having fun and I am glad I was able to use iMovie to help me better my skills when it come to making my videos. So stay tuned for part 2 of my iMovie my experience. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

BP3_ Wordle

I spent some time discovering some really exciting web tools that is great for engaging both students and teachers in literacy learning.  As I discovered these new web tools, I have been highly intentional and purposeful in the way that we use them in our teaching.   It’s not about just using a 2.0 tool because it’s cool and flashy.  I really spend time thinking about how each particular tool may strengthen our teaching and make it easier for students to grasp the concepts we are presenting.

Wordle creates a “word cloud” that helps to interpret the meaning of the words by assigning font size according to how frequently the word appears in a text or is typed into the Wordle text box.  We have used Wordle for brainstorming and as a reflection tool at the end of a professional development session.  Below is a Wordle that I created from the poem that’s on my blog.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Hello everyone here is my iGoogle Screen Shots, I hope you enjoy what you see. I am trying to adjust to the new technology that I am learning but mainly trying to keep up with my blogs, I defiantly don't like blogging so this is a huge challenge for me. Well I hope you all like what you see and I hope to get a hang of this blog thing soon. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog

Hello my name is Devloun Jeter and I am a special education teacher, I love my job even the not so good days. I am also a basketball coach I coach 7 & 8 grade basketball, it takes a lot of discipline to deal with my crazy bunch of players but I love every minute of it. I am also I a full time Education Media Design and Technology grad student at Full Sail University.

It's only the beginning now
...a pathway yet unknown
At times the sound of other steps
...sometimes we walk alone

The best beginnings of our lives
May sometimes end in sorrow
But even on our darkest days
The sun will shine tomorrow.

So we must do our very best
Whatever life may bring
And look beyond the winter chill
To smell the breath of spring.

Into each life will always come
A time to start anew
A new beginning for each heart
As fresh as morning dew.

Although the cares of life are great
And hands are bowed so low
The storms of life will leave behind
The wonder of a rainbow.

The years will never take away
Our chance to start anew
It's only the beginning now
So dreams can still come true.

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