Friday, June 29, 2012

Wk 1 Blog Post #2- Leadership Post: To Publish or To Present

Well after thinking long and hard about this Leadership Project I am unsure of which one I want to do I mean I am a horrible writer (well I think I am) so to publish an article would be a great accomplishment. Then again to speak in public is a very difficult task of mine as well (I tend to talk in circles) so I guess there isn’t really a choice because I will have to choose one of the two. So with that been said I think I would rather Present. The reason I choose to Present is because I feel I can explain what I want people to know a lot better if I write down my presentation before hand. Hopefully this would make presenting a lot easier for myself, also this could give me an opportunity to work on my presentation skills and be more comfortable doing public speaking.

Also I just hope that people won’t think I am talking too much when I do start my presentation. Yes my friends sometimes do tell me I talk to much but I don’t think I do, I just feel I need to make sure everyone completely understands what I am saying when do talk in a group setting. I suppose kind of like I am doing now… I am rambling huh, sorry. 


jbb said...

Thanks for sharing your process. Whichever path you choose, I'm sure that you will improve from previous experiences, mostly because this is the kind of thing that you will plan carefully and be the expert on what you are sharing and not just rambling on about. Good luck.

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