Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Title: The New Era of creating your own Stories with StoryJumper

Brief Overview: Students and Teachers and anyone (Participants) ready to learn how to create, make and publish their own stories to help advance their skills with StoryJumper.

Target Audience Students, Parents and Teachers

Internet access
StoryJumper website 
Step by step instructions on how to join StoryJumper

All students will learn how to create and publish their own stories:
Follow directions to open StoryJumper account
Create a username and password
Start creating and publishing stories
Share projects with classmates (peers) and parents


To get started students, parents and teachers will follow a short step-by-step list asking them to:

Create a StoryJumper account with picture

Finally, allow time and the opportunity for collective action to take place.

Participants will be encouraged to share information about a common interest by asking them to add three pictures with comments to there page and comment on five other posts. As well as tweet three photos so their friends can re-tweet them.

Emerging Technology
Web 2.0 Tools:
StoryJumper- StoryJumper is a website where students, parents, teachers & etc. can publish their own children’s book.

Social Participation/Social Learning

Social learning and participation will occur by encouraging the common interest students and their peers will be able to come create their own book and share their creation with the world. Also the students, parents, and teachers etc. can also have the book printed so they can add it to their own book collection and read it to their family and friends.

Making Connections
Students will learn how to use storyjumper better by following the rules/guidelines to help assist in the creation of their storybook. Also students will be able to help each other out and even collaborate with each other, plus this will give them more experience working with teams.


 Participants will create an account on storyjumper; add two or three stories with their peers, parents and teachers. Then be able to publish their best one or all of them, so once they get older they can share their stories with their children, grandparents and those that will love to see the wonderful stories they created on storyjumper.


Participants will complete a survey on Google docs to assess if the assignment goal was met. Also to see how much they learned about their experience using StoryJumper.

Assessment Rubric

Students are able to create a story and illustrate pictures
Storyline was great and the story made since
Minor errors to the storyline but overall few errors
Storyline was all over the place but effort was made to make the story kind of flow
No effort was put into the storyline, Storyline was all over the place and story was badly put together
Students are able to work together and put the story together
Students are engaged and working along
Students are paying attention
Students are trying to focus but are having a little trouble staying engaged
Student is not engaged and is unable to follow along
Students will show
All work is perfectly inserted right and not mistakes/errors
Minor mistakes but work is still readable
Student tried to work and make the project more of his own
No real effort was put into the work


All of the students then will have the option to share the book they created with another class that’s at their grade level and those students will be able to read the books and share about the books in a Google doc survey. The survey will consist of a few questions on how they feel there peers overall creation (book) turned out.

My Reflection
As a teacher I felt this was a perfect web 2.0 tool for my special education class, they all where engaged in the activity and they all seemed very excited to learn about storyjumper. It was a very happy moment for me as a teacher begin that I do have many disabilities in my current room but beginning that I was able to find a web 2.0 tools that seemed to work for everyone, I truly had a ball…maybe even more then my kids did. Storyjumper not only engaged my class as a whole but it was able to built self-esteem for my children because many of them do have challenging days where they are unable to work to their current ability. So overall StoryJumper is a wonderful web 2.0 tool that not only lets you build and create your own story you can also import your own photos or use they ones from the gallery to help enhance your storybook. 


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