Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wk 4 Blog Post #3- Anthony Hunt Readings 9-12

WK 4 Reading - "The Art of Possibility"

Enrollment is a great way to motivate others in visualizing the spark I am promoting and all of the possibilities that accompany this spark. The first thing that comes to mind are the students participating in my music program. As musicians their possibilities are endless. They have the ability to utilize their musical talents to meet an endless amount of goals they choose to set. But, in order for this to occur, students needed to visualize the strong possibilities in participating in the program for all four years of high school. Zander specified that enrollment nothing but a life force at work, lighting sparks from person to person, scattering light in all directions. It is up to me to deliver that spark to motivate my students to become enrolled. In delivering that spark, I have to remove myself from placing blame and focus on analyzing factors that’s placed on my board. Becoming the board allows one to become the structure of all events in life. The journey of life places you in different positions to place blame in every direction. Participating in the blame game can only lead you into more negativity. How do we overcome placing blame? We have to remove our calculating selves and analyze why certain questionable issues are placed on our board. Then we can carefully analyze the proper procedure to learn from the situation and move on. Telling The We Story really stuck out to me the most of all chapters in this book. It really struck home now that I’ve just recently entered a binding relationship with my wife. Even though it is a process, removing the “You/I factor from our relationship is something that takes time. We are now considered the “We”, which means we are now one. We have to arrive beyond the blame factors to over come the “Revenge” creature that lurks to tear us apart. This point becomes evident even with my program. Everyone participating must have the mindset to reach a common goal and envision an excellent performance. The only way to accomplish this goal is by removing the You/I factor and focus on “We”. We have to ultimately work together to reach all goals we strive for to produce top-notch performances. 


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